"""Copyright 2008 Orbitz WorldWide Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.""" # Django settings for graphite project. # DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE DIRECTLY - use local_settings.py instead from __future__ import print_function import os import sys from os.path import abspath, dirname, join from warnings import warn from importlib import import_module from django import VERSION as DJANGO_VERSION try: from django.urls import reverse_lazy except ImportError: # Django < 1.10 from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse_lazy try: # python3 from configparser import ConfigParser except ImportError: # python 2 from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser as ConfigParser GRAPHITE_WEB_APP_SETTINGS_LOADED = False WEBAPP_VERSION = '1.1.8' DEBUG = False JAVASCRIPT_DEBUG = False DATE_FORMAT = '%m/%d' # Allow UTF-8 metrics' names UTF8_METRICS = True # Filesystem layout WEB_DIR = dirname( abspath(__file__) ) WEBAPP_DIR = dirname(WEB_DIR) GRAPHITE_ROOT = dirname(WEBAPP_DIR) # Initialize additional path variables # Defaults for these are set after local_settings is imported STATIC_ROOT = '' STATIC_URL = '/static/' URL_PREFIX = '' CONF_DIR = '' DASHBOARD_CONF = '' GRAPHTEMPLATES_CONF = '' STORAGE_DIR = '' WHITELIST_FILE = '' INDEX_FILE = '' LOG_DIR = '' CERES_DIR = '' WHISPER_DIR = '' RRD_DIR = '' STANDARD_DIRS = [] # Timeout settings FIND_TIMEOUT = None # default 3.0 see below FETCH_TIMEOUT = None # default 6.0 see below # Example of CLUSTER_SERVERS we want to generate # CLUSTER_SERVERS = ["", ""] # SHINKEN # If you set clusters server, then this server will be a relay and will read into these storage servers # We are using the /opt/graphite/conf/relay-rules.conf file as reference, only the default section. # * if the read_destinations key exists, we use it directly # * if not, we read the destinations, and we replace all ports by 80 _CARBON_RELAY_CONF_FILE = '/opt/graphite/conf/relay-rules.conf' RELAY_WITH_LOCAL_CARBON = False if os.path.exists(_CARBON_RELAY_CONF_FILE): _section = 'default' # First parse it, must be valid relay_config = ConfigParser() relay_config.read(_CARBON_RELAY_CONF_FILE) if not relay_config.has_section('default'): raise Exception('ERROR: the file %s do not have a default section, cannot parse it.' % _CARBON_RELAY_CONF_FILE) # * read_destinations: directly read options, just split by , carbon_destinations = '' if relay_config.has_option(_section, 'read_destinations'): destinations = relay_config.get(_section, 'read_destinations') CLUSTER_SERVERS = [s.strip() for s in destinations.split(',') if s.strip()] # there will be space after the , elif relay_config.has_option(_section, 'destinations'): carbon_destinations = destinations = relay_config.get(_section, 'destinations').split(',') CLUSTER_SERVERS = [] for destination in destinations: destination = destination.strip() # there will be space after the , if destination == '': continue destination_addr = destination.split(':')[0] # always exists CLUSTER_SERVERS.append('%s:80' % destination_addr) else: raise Exception('ERROR: the file %s do not have read_destinations nor a restinations key in its default section, cannot parse it.' % _CARBON_RELAY_CONF_FILE) # SHINKEN def set_relay_with_local_carbon(): import socket from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlsplit def is_local_interface(host): is_ipv6 = False if ':' not in host: pass elif host.count(':') == 1: host = host.split(':', 1)[0] else: is_ipv6 = True if host.find('[', 0, 2) != -1: last_bracket_position = host.rfind(']') last_colon_position = host.rfind(':') if last_colon_position > last_bracket_position: host = host.rsplit(':', 1)[0] host = host.strip('[]') try: if is_ipv6: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET6, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) else: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) sock.bind((host, 0)) except socket.error: return False finally: sock.close() return True global RELAY_WITH_LOCAL_CARBON for host in CLUSTER_SERVERS: if host.startswith('http://') or host.startswith('https://'): parsed = urlsplit(host) else: scheme = 'https' parsed = urlsplit(scheme + '://' + host) if is_local_interface(parsed.netloc): RELAY_WITH_LOCAL_CARBON = True break set_relay_with_local_carbon() else: # default install, no carbon relay configured CLUSTER_SERVERS = [] # Worker Pool USE_WORKER_POOL = True POOL_MAX_WORKERS = 10 # This settings control whether https is used to communicate between cluster members INTRACLUSTER_HTTPS = False REMOTE_FIND_TIMEOUT = None # Replaced by FIND_TIMEOUT REMOTE_FETCH_TIMEOUT = None # Replaced by FETCH_TIMEOUT REMOTE_RETRY_DELAY = 60.0 REMOTE_EXCLUDE_LOCAL = False STORE_FAIL_ON_ERROR = False REMOTE_STORE_MERGE_RESULTS = True REMOTE_STORE_FORWARD_HEADERS = [] REMOTE_STORE_USE_POST = False REMOTE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 # Set to 0 to prevent streaming deserialization # Carbonlink settings CARBON_METRIC_PREFIX='carbon' CARBONLINK_HOSTS = [""] CARBONLINK_TIMEOUT = 1.0 CARBONLINK_HASHING_KEYFUNC = None CARBONLINK_HASHING_TYPE = 'carbon_ch' CARBONLINK_RETRY_DELAY = 15 CARBONLINK_PICKLE_PROTOCOL = -1 REPLICATION_FACTOR = 1 # Cache settings. MEMCACHE_HOSTS = [] MEMCACHE_KEY_PREFIX = '' MEMCACHE_OPTIONS = {} CACHES={} FIND_CACHE_DURATION = 300 FIND_TOLERANCE = 2 * FIND_CACHE_DURATION DEFAULT_CACHE_DURATION = 60 #metric data and graphs are cached for one minute by default DEFAULT_CACHE_POLICY = [] # this setting controls the default xFilesFactor used for query-time aggregration DEFAULT_XFILES_FACTOR = 0 # These can also be configured using: # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.11/topics/logging/ LOG_RENDERING_PERFORMANCE = False LOG_CACHE_PERFORMANCE = False LOG_INFO_PERFORMANCE = True LOG_ROTATION = True LOG_ROTATION_COUNT = 1 LOG_FILE_INFO = 'info.log' LOG_FILE_EXCEPTION = 'exception.log' LOG_FILE_CACHE = 'cache.log' LOG_FILE_RENDERING = 'rendering.log' MAX_FETCH_RETRIES = 2 # This settings limit metrics find to prevent from too large query METRICS_FIND_WARNING_THRESHOLD = float('Inf') # Print a warning if more than X metrics are returned METRICS_FIND_FAILURE_THRESHOLD = float('Inf') # Fail if more than X metrics are returned #Local rendering settings RENDER_TRIM_RECENT_IN_AGGREGATE = False #if True, set most recent datapoints to None if prior datapoint was not None #Remote rendering settings REMOTE_RENDERING = False #if True, rendering is delegated to RENDERING_HOSTS RENDERING_HOSTS = [] REMOTE_RENDER_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 1.0 #Miscellaneous settings DOCUMENTATION_VERSION = 'latest' if 'dev' in WEBAPP_VERSION else WEBAPP_VERSION DOCUMENTATION_URL = 'https://graphite.readthedocs.io/en/{}/'.format(DOCUMENTATION_VERSION) ALLOW_ANONYMOUS_CLI = True LEGEND_MAX_ITEMS = 10 RRD_CF = 'AVERAGE' STORAGE_FINDERS = ( 'graphite.finders.remote.RemoteFinder', 'graphite.finders.standard.StandardFinder', 'graphite.finders.shinken_enterprise.ShinkenEnterpriseFinder', ) # TagDB settings TAGDB = 'graphite.tags.localdatabase.LocalDatabaseTagDB' TAGDB_CACHE_DURATION = 60 TAGDB_AUTOCOMPLETE_LIMIT = 100 TAGDB_REDIS_HOST = 'localhost' TAGDB_REDIS_PORT = 6379 TAGDB_REDIS_DB = 0 TAGDB_REDIS_PASSWORD = '' TAGDB_HTTP_URL = '' TAGDB_HTTP_USER = '' TAGDB_HTTP_PASSWORD = '' TAGDB_HTTP_AUTOCOMPLETE = False # Function plugins FUNCTION_PLUGINS = [] MIDDLEWARE = () if DJANGO_VERSION < (1, 10): MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = MIDDLEWARE MAX_TAG_LENGTH = 50 AUTO_REFRESH_INTERVAL = 60 #Authentication settings USE_LDAP_AUTH = False LDAP_SERVER = "" # "ldapserver.mydomain.com" LDAP_PORT = 389 LDAP_USE_TLS = False LDAP_SEARCH_BASE = "" # "OU=users,DC=mydomain,DC=com" LDAP_BASE_USER = "" # "CN=some_readonly_account,DC=mydomain,DC=com" LDAP_BASE_PASS = "" # "my_password" LDAP_USER_QUERY = "" # "(username=%s)" For Active Directory use "(sAMAccountName=%s)" LDAP_URI = None LDAP_USER_DN_TEMPLATE = None #Set this to True to delegate authentication to the web server USE_REMOTE_USER_AUTHENTICATION = False REMOTE_USER_BACKEND = "" # Provide an alternate or subclassed backend REMOTE_USER_MIDDLEWARE = "" # Provide an alternate or subclassed middleware AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS=[] # Django 1.5 requires this so we set a default but warn the user SECRET_KEY = 'UNSAFE_DEFAULT' # Input validation # - When False we still validate the received input parameters, but if validation # detects an issue it only logs an error and doesn't directly reject the request # - When True we reject requests of which the input validation detected an issue with the # provided arguments and return an error message to the user ENFORCE_INPUT_VALIDATION = False # headers which shall be added to log statements informing about invalid queries, # this is useful to identify where a query came from. # The dict is keyed by the header name and the associated value is a short description # of the header which will be used in the log statement, for example: # {'X-FORWARD-FOR': 'forwarded-for'} INPUT_VALIDATION_SOURCE_ID_HEADERS = {} # Django 1.5 requires this to be set. Here we default to prior behavior and allow all ALLOWED_HOSTS = [ '*' ] # Override to link a different URL for login (e.g. for django_openid_auth) LOGIN_URL = reverse_lazy('account_login') # Set the default timezone to UTC TIME_ZONE = 'UTC' # Set to True to require authentication to save or delete dashboards DASHBOARD_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION = False # Require Django change/delete permissions to save or delete dashboards. # NOTE: Requires DASHBOARD_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION to be set DASHBOARD_REQUIRE_PERMISSIONS = False # Name of a group to which the user must belong to save or delete dashboards. Alternative to # DASHBOARD_REQUIRE_PERMISSIONS, particularly useful when using only LDAP (without Admin app) # NOTE: Requires DASHBOARD_REQUIRE_AUTHENTICATION to be set DASHBOARD_REQUIRE_EDIT_GROUP = None DATABASES = None # If using rrdcached, set to the address or socket of the daemon FLUSHRRDCACHED = '' ## Load our local_settings SETTINGS_MODULE = os.environ.get('GRAPHITE_SETTINGS_MODULE', 'graphite.local_settings') try: globals().update(import_module(SETTINGS_MODULE).__dict__) except ImportError: print("Could not import {0}, using defaults!".format(SETTINGS_MODULE), file=sys.stderr) ## Load Django settings if they werent picked up in local_settings if not GRAPHITE_WEB_APP_SETTINGS_LOADED: from graphite.app_settings import * # noqa STATICFILES_DIRS = ( join(WEBAPP_DIR, 'content'), ) # Handle renamed timeout settings FIND_TIMEOUT = FIND_TIMEOUT or REMOTE_FIND_TIMEOUT or 30.0 FETCH_TIMEOUT = FETCH_TIMEOUT or REMOTE_FETCH_TIMEOUT or 300.0 ## Set config dependent on flags set in local_settings # Path configuration if not STATIC_ROOT: STATIC_ROOT = join(GRAPHITE_ROOT, 'static') if not CONF_DIR: CONF_DIR = os.environ.get('GRAPHITE_CONF_DIR', join(GRAPHITE_ROOT, 'conf')) if not DASHBOARD_CONF: DASHBOARD_CONF = join(CONF_DIR, 'dashboard.conf') if not GRAPHTEMPLATES_CONF: GRAPHTEMPLATES_CONF = join(CONF_DIR, 'graphTemplates.conf') if not STORAGE_DIR: STORAGE_DIR = os.environ.get('GRAPHITE_STORAGE_DIR', join(GRAPHITE_ROOT, 'storage')) if not WHITELIST_FILE: WHITELIST_FILE = join(STORAGE_DIR, 'lists', 'whitelist') if not INDEX_FILE: INDEX_FILE = join(STORAGE_DIR, 'index') if not LOG_DIR: LOG_DIR = join(STORAGE_DIR, 'log', 'webapp') if not WHISPER_DIR: WHISPER_DIR = join(STORAGE_DIR, 'whisper/') if not CERES_DIR: CERES_DIR = join(STORAGE_DIR, 'ceres/') if not RRD_DIR: RRD_DIR = join(STORAGE_DIR, 'rrd/') if not STANDARD_DIRS: try: import whisper # noqa if os.path.exists(WHISPER_DIR): STANDARD_DIRS.append(WHISPER_DIR) except ImportError: print("WARNING: whisper module could not be loaded, whisper support disabled", file=sys.stderr) try: import ceres # noqa if os.path.exists(CERES_DIR): STANDARD_DIRS.append(CERES_DIR) except ImportError: pass try: import rrdtool # noqa if os.path.exists(RRD_DIR): STANDARD_DIRS.append(RRD_DIR) except ImportError: pass if DATABASES is None: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'NAME': join(STORAGE_DIR, 'graphite.db'), 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'USER': '', 'PASSWORD': '', 'HOST': '', 'PORT': '', }, } # Handle URL prefix in static files handling if URL_PREFIX and not STATIC_URL.startswith(URL_PREFIX): STATIC_URL = '/{0}{1}'.format(URL_PREFIX.strip('/'), STATIC_URL) # Default sqlite db file # This is set here so that a user-set STORAGE_DIR is available if 'sqlite3' in DATABASES.get('default',{}).get('ENGINE','') \ and not DATABASES.get('default',{}).get('NAME'): DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = join(STORAGE_DIR, 'graphite.db') # Caching shortcuts if MEMCACHE_HOSTS: CACHES['default'] = { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache', 'LOCATION': MEMCACHE_HOSTS, 'TIMEOUT': DEFAULT_CACHE_DURATION, 'KEY_PREFIX': MEMCACHE_KEY_PREFIX, 'OPTIONS': MEMCACHE_OPTIONS, } if not CACHES: CACHES = { 'default': { 'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.dummy.DummyCache', }, } # Authentication shortcuts if USE_LDAP_AUTH and LDAP_URI is None: LDAP_URI = "ldap://%s:%d/" % (LDAP_SERVER, LDAP_PORT) if USE_REMOTE_USER_AUTHENTICATION or REMOTE_USER_BACKEND: if REMOTE_USER_MIDDLEWARE: MIDDLEWARE += (REMOTE_USER_MIDDLEWARE,) else: MIDDLEWARE += ('django.contrib.auth.middleware.RemoteUserMiddleware',) if DJANGO_VERSION < (1, 10): MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES = MIDDLEWARE if REMOTE_USER_BACKEND: AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS.insert(0,REMOTE_USER_BACKEND) else: AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS.insert(0,'django.contrib.auth.backends.RemoteUserBackend') if USE_LDAP_AUTH: AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS.insert(0,'graphite.account.ldapBackend.LDAPBackend') if SECRET_KEY == 'UNSAFE_DEFAULT': warn('SECRET_KEY is set to an unsafe default. This should be set in local_settings.py for better security') USE_TZ = True